Everyone has their uses, some obvious, some less so.Generally it doesn't matter TOO much who you take on the Lander because we figured it would be annoying going 'Grrr, I need X,' and chopping and changing. However, there.are. Duelyst card game. some differences. Malcolm is better at physical stuff than Benoit for instance and so has better odds of success, while Benoit will do better at a science based challenge. And in some cases there are unique experiences for a single character, or occasionally everyone, as in one of the Maylaa ruins.

Watch Super Force - Season 2, Episode 21 - The Long Journey Home: Merkel continues to pursue Iau, the 'missing link' from King of the Trees. When he endangers a young friend of Iau's, ca.

(Though writing 10 variants for each encounter would be impractical!).