Horse Isle 2 Cheats
Guide Written By: VallinaBasics. There are only 18 colors available to use on Horse Isle:.
Silver - Grey - Black - Maroon - Brown - Red - Orange - Yellow - Lime - Green - Olive - Teal - Aqua - Blue - Navy - Purple - Fuchsia - Pink. To use these colors you need to put them in brackets ( & ) before your text and any formatting style. You do not need to cancel out the color, since that is a waste of characters. Example: tealExample = Example. Mad machines racing semi truck.
Kabod online classes. Welcome to Esroh Legends, the #1 Horse Isle 2 help site! Esroh Legends is your one-stop guide for all quests, minigames, guides, horses, and so much more! We recommend using Chrome or Firefox when browsing Esroh Legends to avoid website problems.
To bold your text you type btext here/b = text here. To italic your text you type itext here/i = text here.
To underline your text you type utext here/u = text hereGetting Detailed.